LCD Encyclopedia
LCD vs OLED: Which Display is Right for You?
This article compares Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) and Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) to help you decide which display technology is right for you based on factors like picture quality, power consumption, and cost.
LCD Module Kits: Understanding, Choosing, and Setting Up Your DIY Display
Explore the world of LCD module kits and learn how to choose the right kit for your DIY project. Discover the benefits, interface options, and setup process for creating your own custom display screen.
Differences Between An OLED Screen And A LCD Screen
In daily life, the most intuitive contact for screen users is nothing more than televisions and mobile phones, whether it is a full screen (mostly LCD panel), curved screen (OLED panel), or folding screen (OLED panel), consumers are interested in the screen, but do not understand the screen itself. So, what's the difference between an OLED screen and a LCD screen? What's the difference between a mobile phone and a TV made from them?
AUO, BOE and INNOLUX, Which IPS Screen is Best?
IPS screen is a technology based on TFT, and its essence is TFT screen. IPS solves the problem of viewing angle by making the apparent length of the molecule the same in all directions. AUO, BOE and INNOLUX, Which IPS Screen is Best?
What is IPS Screen and Its Advantages?
What is IPS screen? IPS, namely In-Plane Switching, is a liquid crystal panel technology based on TFT, commonly known as "Super TFT".
How to distinguish LCD, LED, OLED and AMOLED?
We always hear LCD, LED, OLED and AMOLED, but what is the principle of these four? And what's the differences between LED and LCD, LED and OLED, AMOLED and OLED?
How to Solve the Blurry Image on an LCD?
How to solve the blurry image on an LCD? Some people may not understand this problem. Here is a brief introduction to the reasons and solutions for solving the blurry image on an LCD.
5 Differences Between Industrial LCD and General Commercial LCD
The common LCD screens in the market are industrial screens and general commercial displays. What is the difference between industrial LCD screens and commercial LCD screens?
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